"The hoof is a biodynamic and adaptive extension of the whole horse and his entire lifestyle, two concepts never divorced from one another. Hence, we do not 'force' the hoof into anything, but, like the animal himself, stimulate and nurture it towards what nature intends it to be according to his specie's specific adaptation as Equus ferus caballus." - Jaime Jackson
The Natural Trim mimics the wear patterns observed on the wild, free roaming horses of the U.S. Great Basin by Jaime Jackson. Of the horses Jaime observed and measured hands on, there was a common shape, pattern of wear and angle to their hooves. He also noted the lack of signs of laminitis, hoof deformities or lameness so commonly found in the domestic horse world. Through mimicking these wear patterns during the trim, we are not forcing the foot into a shape it is not ready for, we are simply replicating the wear/trim nature would provide when in the dry, arid environment that is their natural/adaptive habitat.
The benefit of natural wear patterns are that they trigger natural growth patterns. With natural growth patterns comes a more naturally shaped hoof. A more naturally shaped hoof gives a good foundation for the body to move as its designed to. Finally, with the body moving as it's designed to, thus creating natural weight bearing forces, these forces shape the hoof and reinforce the Natural Trim.
This process is made possible, and even fast tracked, by the implementation of the 4 Pillars of NHC.